Allen Fogle for Director

Allen Fogle

Director, 1st Alternate Delegate to the AFM Convention

I’m Allen Fogle and I am running for the opportunity to serve the musicians of Los Angeles as a Director on the Executive Board of the AFM’s Local 47. I am a freelance French Horn player, a member of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, and an AFM member (Locals 47, 7, & 325) since 2009. My goals are to make our union more inclusive, to inspire active participation from all members, and to build relationships with new employers while providing protection for musicians. The union IS its membership, so let’s work together to create more opportunities for our community.

Originally from Augusta, GA, I graduated from the Eastman School of Music and was first introduced to the AFM subbing with the orchestras in Rochester and Buffalo before moving to Los Angeles for graduate school at USC in 2008.

In the past few years, I have become a more active participant in the union, serving on the New Building Committee, helping negotiate the Metropolitan CBA, and organizing members to fight for a fair streaming contract through the Contract Action Team. It has been truly energizing to see what our organization can accomplish when our members collaborate together. For me, the union has become something that I actively want to participate in rather than just an office I rely on if there’s a problem at work.

I am even more motivated to serve the union in this role given the upending of our world by the COVID-19 pandemic. The landscape of both live and recorded musical performance is changing and we need to continue to work together to find creative solutions to the challenges that we face.

Key parts of our agenda to address these challenges and prepare for the future:


We have an incredibly talented and diverse musical community in Los Angeles that performs in every type of venue and genre that you can think of. If we can grow our membership, we have the opportunity to provide greater workplace protections for more musicians, but we as a union also benefit immensely from the great breadth of experience that a broader membership provides.

I want to create an environment where all members feel appreciated and represented, instead of one that feels like an exclusive club. It’s important to keep a finger on the pulse of the needs of our membership.

Outreach to newer and younger players is also crucial, and we must reach out to show the value that comes from collective participation.


For the first few years of my AFM membership, my only interaction with the union came through work dues statements. Once I began attending general membership meetings, I was struck by the passion that players, both young and old, brought to the table. I realized that “The Union” isn’t some staff in an office building; it’s “us”.

Through my participation on the Contract Action Team, I got to know so many of our members that I hadn’t gotten the opportunity to just as a Horn player. Seeing players from all points in their careers banding together to demand fair treatment was truly inspiring.

By participating more, I felt like I was more represented; my voice was heard. I believe that cultivating this active participation by all members will lead to greater representation and ensure that we always have new and creative ways to solve the challenges we face.